Learn how nursing certifications can benefit your career
- March 17, 2021
- Graduate Students Undergraduate Students
Why should nurses become certified?
Obtaining certification in the nursing field has many benefits. Whether you are looking to be more recognized in the workplace for job opportunities, open doors to promotions or clearly show proven competence in your specialty area, becoming certified can help you secure and move up in your career.
The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses states that becoming certified is a way that nurses can validate their expert knowledge and skills. This then positions themselves for appropriate recognition, advancement and a sense of confidence and achievement.
“Passing the Critical Care Registered Nurse certification (CCRN) was a personal, as well as a professional, triumph,” said Daemen nursing student Tamara Barr.
“Last semester, I was reading an article about the progression of nursing as a profession, and I found it really interesting that the process of becoming recognized as a profession instead of a job required accolades from accreditation bureaus and developing national organizations to legitimize our work,” said Barr. “Using channels of higher education and certification is the next step of solidifying and validating our profession. I really believe in empowering women dominated professions and wanted to be a part of this process.”
Certification is voluntary, therefore when nurses take this extra initiative to further their career by gaining more skills and knowledge, they show employers their commitment to career development and strong dedication to patient care.
Barr, who said she is always looking for new ways to learn and grow, explained that obtaining certification can set nurses apart from other candidates.
“Having your CCRN can elevate your ability to apply for positions that require higher education or leadership skill sets,” she said.
Certification Preparation: Daemen University Nursing Programs
To help Daemen undergraduate nursing students go the extra mile and achieve certification, they are provided with information about nursing certification in their capstone course as part of the curriculum.
“Students are asked to consider next steps after they complete their program, including preparing for, and obtaining, specialty certification,” said Dr. Martha Kershaw, assistant professor of nursing at Daemen University.
Also, Daemen’s Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program prepares students to complete the exams for board certification.
Another important benefit Daemen nursing programs offer for certification is having a supportive faculty to teach our students.
Faculty members engage with students and give them resources and personalized attention to help them excel academically and in their career, which includes obtaining certification.
“Daemen’s Nursing Education graduate program curriculum was created with the certified nurse educator competencies as a foundation, so students would be prepared to take the exam even though it is not required,” Kershaw explained.
She also said that Daemen nursing faculty act as role models for students by earning, and maintaining, their own certification.
Faculty members hold various certifications, including certified nurse educator, advanced oncology certified nurse practitioner and nurse executive.
Overall, nurses and nursing students can gain many benefits from investing their time in becoming certified. Having this extra, important point on their resume can truly set candidates apart in the interview process or when being considered for a promotion or leadership position.
Start the process today. Contact our Office of Admissions about one of Daemen’s nursing programs!
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